We knew they were going to have some kind of mechanized equipment, but it wasn't specifically a walker." Just come up with cool shots that would show some ideas about how this ragtag band of Rebels on this snow planet defend their base from an overwhelming force of Imperial soldiers.' At that point we hadn't designed the walkers yet. Specifically, to the Battle of Hoth, I just remember him saying, 'Just come up with shots. "George had ideas about how to do things but he really wanted us to explore the best ways to figure out the action. In a new oral history of how that celebrated planetary struggle came to be, Johnston explained that the sequence started with a sense of real freedom, as Lucas wasn't usually keen on laying out specific battle action in his scripts. And of course, when we think of new ships and vehicles in The Empire Strikes Back, we immediately think of the Battle of Hoth. By the time of Empire, he was working as a visual effects art director at Industrial Light & Magic, which meant one of his key tasks for the film was designing new ships and vehicles. Joe Johnston has since gone on to become a celebrated director in his own right, but back in the early Star Wars days he was just beginning to make the transition to film from a background in industrial design. As The Empire Strikes Back turns 40, one of the key visual effects minds behind arguably the greatest Star Wars movie ever is taking a look back at how some of the film's iconic designs came to be. That spirit extends into every aspect of the original trilogy, but it was often particularly true of the many vehicles designed for the film.

George Lucas and his team were constantly striving to make the kind of sci-fi adventure film they wanted to see, and that very often meant inventing things that didn't exist before, or at least making something that looked like nothing else in sci-fi cinema at the time.

Mon Motma and Fleet Command center can provide resources and important support (in form of Tactic icon and shields).Īs far as Rebel-heavy decks, I had the best results with this one.The story of Star Wars is, particularly in the early days of the franchise, a story of innovation. Mobilize the Squadron gives you huge amount of resources, Mission Briefing allows you to replenish the hand and get a shot at winning more edge battles, Fleeing the Empire is perfect to protect your X and Y-Wings. Then, use Leia to indeed him, when he's less expected.Īs far as objectives are concerned, hard to get a best combination. Keep them at bay with Heavy Blaster Emplacement and the threat of ping Ackbhar. Nothing too fancy, here: a lot of cheap vehicles to get a consistent (and constant) presence on the board.